So somewhere in all the crap that was thrust upon us in the months prior to Maggie's birth, (come on people, you know we really didn't need that toy keyboard with the stuck keys from 1989-two words here: Goodwill- please.) there was a book entitled "How to Photograph Your Baby". Until now it has been officially ignored on Maggie's dresser- I say until now, because as soon as someone sees my photos I will be forced into the limelight as photography's the next best thing. Just kidding. Seriously though, I am glad I have a digital because I took about 100 pictures to get 4 or 5 that looked ok. It was fun though... for me. Maggie? Not so sure she dug it that much. Oh well, it will pay off to be this obsessive someday- I just know it. Here are a few pics.
Addendum to the above statement:
This is to everyone (no Mom it wasn't crap, just being funny) that gave us stuff for Maggie- thank you, we got a lot of nice things and we do appreciate it.
1 comment:
Annie watch out is right!!!! Wow, she is just so beautiful! I can't wait to meet her. coming out to visit in Jan. might be a good time. Keep the photos coming... love you
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