Sweet Maggie Jo turns 2 months old today! It is hard to believe, in part because it seems like she has always been here, yet 2 months is not a long time..Lets see, she had her 2 month check up today and now weighs in at 11.7 lbs and is a whopping 23 1/2 inches long (95th percentile). She also got- 3 SHOTS! It goes against all of your parental instinct to hold your 2 month old down on a paper covered table while she screams bloody murder. It has been a rough afternoon- poor baby woke up from a nap and just cried/screamed- "she might be fussy" Doc said- fussy is not an accurate assessment. After some grape Tylenol (yum), and a long bath she conked out at 5:30, so we shall see what the night has in store...
What else- hmmm??? Well, I sewed some cute baby bibs as seen here- they turned out pretty well, very simple, but nice instant gratification- if you like that sort of thing.
Current Coloradoans formerly of California, Nevada and Kansas (Oklahoma too!). Amiel is all around hardworking brillant carpenter and Amy works in Occupational Therapy at a local skilled nursing facility. In June 2008 we had our first baby-our little Maggie Jo. She amazes us everyday. We have two beloved dogs Sheila and Nelli whose days comprise mostly of barking, frisbee competitions and chasing the frazzled cat Cosmo Kitty.
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