Friday, August 22, 2008
She Sews!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
60 days of Maggie and......lots o' shots!

Friday, August 8, 2008
Annie Leibovitz watch out!

So somewhere in all the crap that was thrust upon us in the months prior to Maggie's birth, (come on people, you know we really didn't need that toy keyboard with the stuck keys from 1989-two words here: Goodwill- please.) there was a book entitled "How to Photograph Your Baby". Until now it has been officially ignored on Maggie's dresser- I say until now, because as soon as someone sees my photos I will be forced into the limelight as photography's the next best thing. Just kidding. Seriously though, I am glad I have a digital because I took about 100 pictures to get 4 or 5 that looked ok. It was fun though... for me. Maggie? Not so sure she dug it that much. Oh well, it will pay off to be this obsessive someday- I just know it. Here are a few pics.
Addendum to the above statement:
This is to everyone (no Mom it wasn't crap, just being funny) that gave us stuff for Maggie- thank you, we got a lot of nice things and we do appreciate it.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Demotivational Posters Rock
Monday, August 4, 2008
Good Friends. Good Weekend.
She did great though, for Grandma, even drank good from her bottle. We picked her up the next day and went with Zo and Kate to Estes Park- it was beautiful, only about 78 degrees when we got there. It even treated us to a mountain thunderstorm which cooled things off even more.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Amiel's Ailments
Poor Cinci- it has been a rough week. First off, it has been between 95-100 degrees for like 20 days or something, and we bake in our little brick house with no A/C. Maggie and I pretty much spend all our time in the basement during the day. Amiel has been working outside and comes home to our hot box every night. If you know Cinc at all you know how warm blooded he is anyway and much he sweats. I mean, it can be 32 degrees and he will be sweating. This week with all the heat he came down with a mean case o' tinea cruris (if you really want to know, look it up) a very friendly little fungus. We are um, sparing you the picture on this one even though he wanted to post it. Then he cut his knee and it turned all red, streaky and hot-and we found out he had cellulitis. If that wasn't enough he was cutting metal of some sort at work and it sparked off into his eyes (and no he wasn't wearing his googles)- and they had to pick tiny metal pieces out of his eyes and face with tweezers- fun, fun. So please pour on all the sympathy you can for poor Puddin- he needs you.
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