Ok, for those of you not well versed in the language of "babywearing" here is my quickie on carrying your baby. Mostly this post is about me wearing my baby and the things I
wear my baby in- got it? This is also to vent a little about said apparati. My first sling was purchased well before Maggie was born and is a ring sling something like this one

Well for the life of me I cannot figure out how in the hell this thing is suppose to work! It is a huge struggle to get her in it and once she is, she is crunched up and lost in the bottom of it- I have not been able to really get much use out of it. It also kind of hurts my back because she is just swinging there around my neck. Any suggestions? And yes I have read and watched every video on in internet. I am wondering if waiting until she is older and can sit up and hold her head up will help- i dunno.
My next sling is actually a wrap- called Moby. It is actually so far my favorite, however for all the positions that you are supposed to be able to wear them in, I only have one that she seems to like- see picture. Once again I think once she gets older it will be better. However, I am worried about having her legs dangle out because of something I read about proper spine development etc. The other downside is getting in the darn thing, it is not something that you just slip on- you have to tie it first and it is really, really long, so the ends end up all over the ground or in somebody's gum in the Target parking lot. 

Numero tres is supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread, and that is the Ergo. Don't even ask how much this thing costs. This one is supposed to be the best for spine development, ergonomically correct for the wearer etc. You can also wear the baby front and back. So far this one has not blown me away as I expected. It is not quite as comfortable for me as I thought it would be- the straps dig a little and I haven't found myself loving it. It is hard to get her down in it, but she sits sideways which is nice. I feel like I am squishing her a bit with the insert (the green thing in the pic), but she seems content when we get her in it. Maybe this one will be better when she is older too? Common theme here. One other thing- it really doesn't fit all people- Amiel can barely get it on and is not comfortable for either of them if he tries to wear her.
The good news is that she doesn't seem to mind riding in whatever I put her in and usually falls asleep. I guess thats the point huh?
Hey sista,
I can speak to this in a big way, I've been carrying Jake around for over 9 months now. I liked the first one, the ring thing but it is not for everyone and yeah it hurts after a while but he loved to do the kangaroo hold and it looks hella cute. The ergo is Kat's favorite, and I like it too but it sucks that he can't face out, so he's constantly craning his neck around and pushing off my chest while grabbing fistfulls of nipple hair. My favorite is this one - http://www.tendercargo.com/catalog/Jet-Pikkolo-Carrier.html - but looking that up I see it cost 129 dollars!! Holy crap. We also had two more I can tell you about if you like, but whichever one is so much more pleasant than pushing the damn stroller, plus he looks cute and I like to think I'm getting some exercise.
Ah yes babywearing. I see my baby daddy already left a comment. It's all about trial and error and finding what works for you and your babe. As you say though in your post - things will change as Maggie gets bigger. And I don't think babywearing is ever 100% comfortable....especially when your babe starts nearing 10 kilos. The more you wear the stronger you get though. So in total we own/have owned six baby wearing devices!! So the ring sling - Darin is totally pro at this one....if only we lived closer he could give you a quick tutorial. For me the ring sling only worked for the first three months and then I moved onto some hot slings (non-adjustable pouch slings) - pain with these is that you have to find the right size for you and they probably won't fit your partner. By about four/five months, it was all about the ergo. I didn't buy it until then and never used the infant insert. We use either the Pikkolo (very similar to the ergo) or the ergo pretty much every single day. The ergo can also be worn on the back which is a great position once babe is bigger!!! Oh and I had a moby but got sick of retying it and it slipping so I sold it. It was pretty comfortable though and cozy in the winter time. Am glad Maggie likes being worn though, I've heard of some babies that don't....it's a FANTASTIC way to get them to sleep!!!
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