Current Coloradoans formerly of California, Nevada and Kansas (Oklahoma too!). Amiel is all around hardworking brillant carpenter and Amy works in Occupational Therapy at a local skilled nursing facility. In June 2008 we had our first baby-our little Maggie Jo. She amazes us everyday. We have two beloved dogs Sheila and Nelli whose days comprise mostly of barking, frisbee competitions and chasing the frazzled cat Cosmo Kitty.
That is going to be very pretty, very delicate!
Just voted on the name of "the kid". Hope all is well with you two, baby is almost here eh? Talk to you soon, ZOKAT
P.S. Nice Nursery "ME GUSTA!"
Amy, good to see some pictures of the nursery and you! I hope you can make it out to the bay area one last time before baby murphy comes. jewels
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