Here are a couple of pics from our recent outing to San Francisco at the end of March.. Amiel is reprising the role of Ralph Macchio in "Karate Kid", and Lola Mae Kirk is tearin' up Chrissy Field near the Golden Gate. We had such a blast, it was great to see our friends, eat and eat and eat, and go of
course to the flea market.. We even got a chance to see our fav. band Kemo Sabe play Hotel Utah. Whew- what a packed couple of days :) Must say that we miss it alot..
My mom came up for a couple of days last weekend, we had fun doing baby stuff, looking at strollers (what a task!! Still can't decide.) washing baby clothes etc.. Amiel and I also worked on the nursery this weekend, and he built some shelves. Must say that everything is close to being completed... all we need is baby!

We also started childbirth ed last night- every Monday night in April for 3! yes 3! hours.. it was pretty good though, the instructor made us laugh a bit and that helps. Next week we go over comfort measures during labor, I am looking forward to that one :)